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Your specialist for
sustainable water management

Water is one of the most precious resources

The requirements that an operator has to consider in sustainable water management are constantly increasing. We are happy to support you in the areas of process and plant optimization by providing qualified on-site consulting.

Depending on the industry and the task at hand, we combine a wide variety of processes. When developing a plant concept, we proceed according to the following steps: Survey of the current state, definition of goals with the operator, development of sustainable solutions (environmentally compatible and in accordance with current guidelines, laws as well as manufacturer specifications), implementation/realization and annual review.

  • 01 Get to know
  • 02 System recording
  • 03 Concept
  • 04 Cleaning, disinfection
  • 05 Implementation
  • 06 Training
  • 07 Maintenance | Service | Analytics
  • 08 Annual review

Get to know

The first step toward sustainable water management is getting to know your organization and your needs. The more we know about them, the better we can help you achieve your goals. Direct contact between your decision makers and our consulting engineers helps both sides save time.

Project flow Dr. Hartmann Chemietechnik - 01 Get to know

System recording

What is the current operating status of the system? Our specialists first check all target and actual settings and then record all relevant system and boundary parameters. This recording of operating data is the basis for jointly defining the goals of sustainable water management.

Projektablauf Dr. Hartmann Chemietechnik - 02 System recording


On the basis of this data determination we work out an efficient and at the same time economical treatment program around the sustainable water management. In doing so, we take into account the following points and specifications in advance:

  • Stable process management
  • Environmental compatibility and   value preservation
  • Potential savings in water,   electricity, etc.
  • Integration of legal guidelines  and manufacturer specifications
Projektablauf Dr. Hartmann Chemietechnik - 03 Konzeption

Cleaning, disinfection

Before we start with a chemical treatment program, we carry out a chemical cleaning or disinfection of your critical plant components if necessary. This ensures compliance with defined system parameters.

Projektablauf Dr. Hartmann Chemietechnik - 04 Reinigung, Desinfektion


Our consulting engineers and service technicians ensure smooth commissioning. We actively support you so that your operating personnel is optimally relieved.

Projektablauf Dr. Hartmann Chemietechnik - 05 Realisierung


Training is also important when it comes to the success of sustainable water management. We provide you with an optimal understanding of the chemical products used, the relevant water parameters and the treatment programs.

Projektablauf Dr. Hartmann Chemietechnik - 06 Schulung

Maintenance | Service | Analytics

We carry out regular on-site service and analysis work for you. In this way, we ensure the success of the treatment programs, maintain the performance of the water treatment plants and achieve the jointly defined goals in sustainable water management.

Projektablauf Dr. Hartmann Chemietechnik - 07 Wartung | Service | Analytik

Annual review

At the joint annual meeting, we take stock of the work we have done and the results we have achieved. We respond to your wishes and, together with you, fix the guidelines for the coming year around sustainable water management.

Projektablauf Dr. Hartmann Chemietechnik - 08 Jahresgespräch


Founded in Stuttgart in 1932, we are today one of the leading specialists in industrial process water treatment and process water optimization.

With an office, production and storage area of over 4500 m², we produce special chemical products for process water treatment and manufacture coordinated plant technology.


Your contact to us

Dr. Hartmann Chemical Engineering

Uhlandstrasse 30
71665 Vaihingen/Enz

+49 7042 9726-233
+49 7042 9726-99

+49  7042 9726-233

Soziale Media

We use the following social media as part of our public relations work:

Copyright 2025 Dr. O. Hartmann GmbH & Co. KG
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